Lookup a Player's WARP and Rank (with detail) WARP detail

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     First line is the WARP total, followed by up to 6 seasons used in the calculation.             POL is WARP rounded to the nearest tenths point.
                                                      Columns are A/B/C Matches played, A/B/C Win Points and A/B/C Loss Points.                    Rank is used for All Star tournament   

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16. Individual Player Rankings.

A. Players receive a rating based on singles win point (WP) percentage known as the Weighted Aggregate Rated Percentage (WARP).

    1. The wins and losses are rated so that wins count more for the higher league (A3, B2, C1) and losses count more for the lower league (C3, B2, A1) for comparison.
2. The threshold for each WARP ranking is as follows:                     AA >= 8.3    A >= 6.7    BB >= 5.0    B > 3.3 C < 3.3

B. All win-points and loss-points are totaled for a predetermined number of seasons which will be referred to as the Rolling Average Cycle (RAC).

C. A “RAC” should not include more than the last 6 seasons as a MAX. D. A player must play 7 games (21 points) in the RAC to get a WARP.

    1. Anyone who plays A league during the RAC may not be ranked any lower than B.
    2. Anyone who plays B league as their highest level during the RAC may not be ranked any higher than A.
    3. Anyone who plays C league as their highest level during the RAC may not be ranked any higher than BB.
WARP is calculated by first adding together the players' Singles Stats for the "last 6 seasons".
Then the following calculation is performed:         (A wins*3)+(B wins*2)+(C wins)
                                                               divided by (A wins*3)+(B wins*2)+(C wins) + (C losses*3)+(B losses*2)+(A losses)
If the above calculation is an ERROR, then WARP = 0.       Otherwise WARP = the above calculation * 10


17. Points on the Line.   (POL)

A. A point system for ranked players (Rule 16) will be used to determine division level. However, in order to allow legacy teams to stay together but at the same time ensure division parity, a “Points on the Line” system shall be used. (Hereinafter referred to as POL.)

    1. No B-level team shall exceed 24 points for the four shooters during a given section (i.e., two matches of doubles or four matches of singles).
    2. No C-level team shall exceed 18 points for the four shooters during a given section (i.e., two matches of doubles or four matches of singles).
    3. Neither A-division teams nor the team game for any division will be subject to the POL cap.

B. Using the ranking, as determined by the WARP (Rule 16.A-D), a player’s points will be rounded to the nearest tenths place:

                     AA = 8.3+      A = 6.7 to 8.2      BB = 5.0 to 6.6      B = 3.3 to 4.9      C = 0.0 to 3.2

    1. Any new, unranked member joining a team is allowed the privilege to join a team in any division. Said player will be ranked accordingly after the first season and will be subject to the POL cap.
    2. Experienced players new to WADA may be subject to classification by the Executive Director based on the players known ability.

C. At no point during any section may a team exceed its allotted POL during a match. Captains are responsible for monitoring the POL caps.

D. If team cannot fill all four slots in a singles game without exceeding the POL cap, the section featuring a shooter or shooters with the highest ranking shall be forfeited. Captains are responsible for monitoring the POL caps. 1. If the section features shooters with the same ranking, the opposing Captain may choose which section is to be forfeited.

E. If a team cannot fill all four slots in a doubles game without exceeding the POL cap, the team may use a “ghost” player in the slot that would have resulted in the exceeding of the POL cap. Captains are responsible for monitoring the POL caps.

    1. If the game has players of the same rank, the opposing team’s captain may choose at the time lineups are exchanged which slot is the “ghost.”

F. If it is discovered a team exceeded its POL cap after a leg has been completed, that leg will be forfeited by the offending team and the offending team’s captain will insert a player that does not cause the team to exceed its POL cap. If no such player is available, the offending team forfeits that game. Captains are responsible for monitoring the POL caps.

G. If it is discovered a team exceeded its POL cap after the completion of a game, the offending team forfeits the game(s) with the highest ranked players. Captains are responsible for monitoring the POL caps.

    1. If the game(s) feature players of the same rank, the game with the highest score shall be forfeited. If the game(s) have the same score, the first game in the appropriate section on the score sheet shall be forfeited.
    2. If a team is discovered at any time after the start of play to have exceeded its POL cap for a second time, a 5-point penalty shall be assessed. The third offense will result in a 10-point penalty, and the fourth offense will result in a ban from post-season play that season.
    3. Any protests will be subject to Rules of Play Section 30: Protest and Appeal Procedures. Captains are responsible for monitoring the POL caps. Any protests falling outside the 14-day window will not be considered by the Executive Director or the Board of Directors.

H. No AA-ranked players may play in the B division, regardless of POL caps, and no A-ranked players may play in the C division, regardless of POL caps.


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